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sweet Fanny Adams没有价值的东西



Something with no value.Fanny Adams was murdered and mutilated in 1812,her body cut into pieces and thrown into a river.Her murderer,Fred Baker,was publicly hanged.Young Fanny Adams’s name,given wide currency,was adopted by saiiors to indicate a particularly distasteful meal,since Fanny Adams had been disposed of in a kettle.In fact,when kettles came into use in the British Navy they were dubbed Fannys,as were tins(cans)of meat.There is no doubt that Fanny Adams is also the basis for the military expression sweet Fanny Adams,meaning something worthless or nothing at all.

此词意义如上所示。1812年,Fanny Adams被谋杀肢解后,尸体被切成碎片扔到河里。凶手Fred Baker被公开吊死。自从Fanny Adams被装在罐子里处理后,这个年轻人的名字便广为流传,水手们用它指特别难吃的饭。实际上,当罐子在英国海军里使用时,被称为Fannys,像用于罐头肉一样。毫无疑问,军队用语sweet Fanny Adams源于Fanny Adams,指没有用处的或毫无价值的东西。

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