turn the Nelson eye on对……熟视无睹
To pretend nothing has happened,ignore something,turn a blind eye on.This expression remembers British naval hero Lord Horatio Nelson,who was blinded in one eye during a sea battle.Years later,at the Battle of Copenhagen,he ignored a superior’s command to cease tighting by putting his telescope to his blind eye and pretending he hadn’t received the order.Continuing the action,he defeated the Danes.
此短语意为“假装什么事都没发生,忽视,对……熟视无睹”。这个说法是为了纪念英国海军英雄纳尔逊(Horatio Nelson)勋爵,他在海战中失去了一只眼睛。几年后,在哥本哈根战役中,他不理睬上级停战的命令,把望远镜放在失明的眼睛上,假装没接到命令,继续战斗,最终击败丹麦人。
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