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This name for the horse chestnut is used mainly in England,but the British game called conkers is sometimes played by children in the United States.In the game,a horse chestnut is hollowed out with a penknife and is knotted to one end of a length of string.The children then swing their strings,trying to break each other’s conkers.The game may have fiirst been called“conqueror,”which was corrupted to conker,which in turn gave its name to the horse chestnut used in the game.It could,however,derive from the French conque,a“shell,”because the game was originally played with shells instead of horse chestnuts.Conker is also used by the British as the name for the rubber match or playoff match in the game of darts.

意为“康克游戏”,主要在英国使用,但美国的小孩有时也玩这种英国游戏。在游戏中,用小刀把七叶树的坚果挖空,然后系在绳子的一端。孩子们接着甩手中的绳子,设法击破对方的坚果。这种游戏起先可能叫conqueror,后被讹化成conker,然后又用来指游戏中使用的horse chestnut(七叶树的坚果)。但是此词也有可能源于法语conque,意为“果壳”,因为这种游戏原先使用的是果壳,而不是七叶树的坚果。英国人也用该词来指掷镖游戏中的决胜局或平局后的决胜加赛。

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