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dead cat on the line可疑的事;不正常的事



Something is suspicious,something wrong.When William Safire asked readers of his nationally syndicated word column for help in explaining this expression,an old man in Louisiana scrawled a letter explaining that the expression has its roots in fishing for catfish,when trotlines with many hooks on them are set in the water.The lines are checked every day,so if a fisherman checks a neighbor’s line and fiinds a dead catfish(cat)on the line,he knows there is something wrong,suspicious,or fishy going on(his neighbor may be ill, in trouble,etc.).

此词意义如上所示。William Safire曾主持全国多家报刊辛迪加词汇专栏。他求助于他专栏的读者来解释该用语。有位路易斯安那州的老人给他写了一封信,信中解释说,该词语起因于抓捕鲇鱼。抓鲇鱼时要把带有鱼钩的拽钩绳放入水中,这些拽钩绳需每天查看。因此,如果渔夫检查邻居的拽钩绳时发现了死鲇鱼,他就知道一定发生了不正常的、可疑的或靠不住的事(他的邻居可能是病了或遇到了麻烦等)。

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